How Long Does A Tooth Extraction Take?

How Long Does A Tooth Extraction Take?

TeamGeneral Dentistry

Tooth extractions are often necessary to allow for the proper treatment of dental problems. Unfortunately, they are sometimes done without consideration of what the patient wants or needs. If you're considering a tooth extraction for yourself or a loved one, here are some answers to common concerns about the procedure:

Why might someone need a tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is a common procedure used to remove diseased or damaged teeth.

Tooth decay is the most common reason for extracting a tooth, as it can cause pain and infection. Infecting between teeth may also lead to an extraction if the damage is too severe. Teeth that have been injured or traumatized may need to be extracted in order to prevent further damage (such as chipped or cracked teeth).

Infected wisdom teeth are another reason why people might need a tooth extraction; they can cause painful infections around the gums if they don't erupt properly when they're supposed to come in during adolescence.

What is the procedure for a tooth extraction?

Before the extraction, your dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic. This medication can be administered in several ways:

  • A topical cream is placed on your gums (or sometimes a gel), and then allowed to work for up to 30 minutes before numbing takes effect.
  • Your dentist may inject the area with anesthetic into your gum tissue using a needle. The needle is very thin and you shouldn't feel any pain from this injection, but it's important that you don't move or talk while it's happening.
  • In some cases, the dentist will use both of these techniques together—they'll first apply a topical cream or gel, wait 30 minutes while they numb up and then give you an injection with novocaine or another anesthetic drug through your gum line.* Once numbed up enough so that nothing hurts anymore, he'll proceed with removing your tooth.* Once he's taken out all of your teeth (if this is what needs doing), he'll pack gauze around those areas where blood has come out during surgery so there won't be much bleeding later on.* Then he'll probably give you some prescription pain medication such as ibuprofen if needed so that everything feels better when going home from surgery!

How long does a tooth extraction take?

A tooth extraction usually takes less than an hour, and most of the time, you'll be in and out of the dentist's office in under an hour. A post-operative appointment will be scheduled after your procedure, so you can review your x-rays with your doctor.

When it comes to whether or not a tooth extraction will hurt, there are several factors that determine how much (or how little) pain you experience. These include:

  • The type of anesthesia used during the procedure
  • The location of the tooth being removed

The sooner you have your tooth extracted after developing a problem with it (such as decay), the better off you'll be. Waiting too long can result in more serious issues down the line—from infection to tissue damage around surrounding areas—so make sure to contact us as soon as possible if something feels wrong!

What is the recovery like?

After your tooth is removed, you may experience some bleeding and swelling. Your dentist will go over proper post-extraction care with you. This includes:

  • Pain management. In general, mild to moderate pain after a tooth extraction is normal, but if it becomes severe or lasts more than a couple of days, it's important to talk to your dentist about what medications and treatments are available for managing your discomfort. Employing this advice can help you heal faster and reduce the risk of complications such as infection or dry socket (a painful condition in which blood collects under the gums after an extraction). If pain persists even after taking medication prescribed by your dentist (which usually includes ibuprofen), see a doctor right away—you may need antibiotics or other medication so that healing can begin properly.*
  • How long will it take my mouth to heal? Healed cavities look very similar to new ones; however, there are two key differences: healed cavities don't contain any nerves so they won't hurt when pressed against something hard like eating utensils (unlike new cavities), but they still feel tender because soft tissue takes longer than bone does before reaching its final shape after trauma like an extraction.*

Tooth extractions are routine and are usually short procedures. Most patients recover quickly.

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, or gum disease, or an infection in your jawbone, or a tooth that has broken off and roots are exposed, then your dentist may recommend removing the affected tooth.

A tooth extraction is usually a relatively painless procedure. The dentist will numb the area of your mouth where they are going to make an incision with local anesthesia. Then he or she will use special instruments to cut through the gum tissue that attaches your teeth to your jawbone (gingiva). Finally, using pliers-like forceps and dental hand tools called elevators he can lift out the entire tooth out of its socket in minutes. It takes about ten minutes for total recovery from anesthesia after having a wisdom tooth removed but most people are able to eat solid foods within 24 hours after surgery; however if you experience any pain during recovery please notify us immediately so we can help relieve it as soon as possible!


Most patients recover quickly from tooth extractions. A typical extraction takes about two to three hours, although it can be done in one hour or less if the dentist is experienced and skilled with this procedure. The recovery period after a tooth extraction varies depending on your overall health and how long it takes for swelling to subside (which is typically one to three days). In some cases, you may need pain medication until the pain goes away completely; however, most people are able to manage with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen which can help reduce swelling while they heal. It’s important to follow up with your dentist regularly during this time so that they can monitor progress and ensure everything goes well!

Eliminate Tooth Pain with Help from Dr. Rajan at Dentistry of Mendham

Don’t put up with dental pain—see Dr. Rajan at Dentistry of Mendham for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Contact us or call 973-543-5700 today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you restore your healthy smile.